Title: Avira Prime 2023 Full + 90 Days Trial
Developer: Avira Operations
OS: Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, Browsers
License: Full_Version
Last Updated: 2023
Avira Prime 2023 Description:
AviraPrime is full-featured antivirus and security software that keeps your PC protected in many different ways. Avira Prime offers real-time scanning with three options enabled by default. The virus protection prevents malware from trying to infect and modify files on your computer. The web-based protection tries to defend you from online threats. And the ransomware protection aims to prevent hackers from hacking your device, taking control of it and encrypting your files.
Also under security is a software updater, which scans your PC for outdated applications and giving you option to update them with one click. You can set it to automatically update for applications. Additionally, a firewall attempts to block malicious or suspicious apps and other activity coming through your network. You have full control over the firewall, so you can modify existing rules to allow or block specific processes, add new rules, or turn off the firewall completely.
Avira Prime Key Features:
How to use Avira Prime Full?
- Turn-OFF Antivirus and Firewall software, installed in your computer before downloading.
- Download and install Setup.
- Follow the instructions given in Avira Prime Folder.